Friday, June 5, 2015

Number line fun with iPads

We use a great app in our classroom to help us add and subtract with a number line.  It's called Teaching Number Lines by Little Monkey Apps.  I use the free version, which does contain ads.  However, the students know what NOT to touch and we have had no problems.
Here is the main screen We begin with sequencing.

Sequencing...the students drag the frog to the correct spot on
the number line.

Next, we use the jump forward option to begin adding on
the number line.

I am lucky enough to have enough iPads for all my students
to work in pairs.

Now the students are ready to record the addition
problems in their math jounals.

Once we've mastered addition, I introduce subtraction . Once
again the students work in partners to "jump backwards"
on the number line.

With the Teaching Tool option, the students can write the problem,
use the frogs and number line to complete, and then write
the answer.  This is a favorite option!

Eventually, I make this a work station.  

This student is using this app to complete
subtraction problems on paper.

Subtraction work station using the iPad app.

What a great way for little fingers to work with number lines!  Often at free choice time, the students choose this app just for fun.

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