Saturday, January 16, 2016

Valentine's Day Fun

I am often asked how Valentine's Day is celebrated in my classroom.  I prefer to have small, low key holiday parties without a lot (or any) parent help.  

The key to a stress free Valentine's Day is to only have the children write who his or her valentine is FROM.  I make sure this information is in my newsletter at the beginning of February!  I also do not ask for anything from parents for our party.  

On Valentine's Day, we distribute valentines in this way: 

  • Students sit in a U shape on the rug
  • Each child brings their valentines and sets them behind their back
  • Students put their open valentine bag (that we made in class) in front of them
  • With my own valentines, I model how to start at one end of the U and put one valentine in every bag
  • Two to three children distribute their valentines in this way until everyone has had a turn

This system works like a charm!  I have noticed that since Pinterest has been popular, my student's valentine bags need to be plenty big.  Just about every valentine has candy included or is a cute Pinterest creation.  Don't forget to make a valentine bag for yourself!  

After all valentines are distributed, the kids are off to their tables to have fun looking at all their valentines and I usually let them eat two or three treats.  One year a student told me that "this was the best day ever"!  No huge party needed for plenty of fun!