Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Tunes, transitions and tricks for kindergarten

I am already in my third week of school, and my students have settled in to the rules and routines of the classroom.  Being that this is my 16th year teaching kindergarten, I have tried many things to ensure my class is constantly learning and on task.  The secret is singing and chanting!  Kindergarten students LOVE to talk and have their hands on each other.  By singing just about every transition, that behavior is all but eliminated.  Here are my tried and true transitions, songs, chants etc.  

Lining up chant:

One, two, listen and do
Three, four, face the door
Five, six, finger on lips
Seven, eight, line up straight
Nine, ten, let the quiet walking begin

We walk with "bubbles" in our cheeks and "bumpers" with our arms (arms folded).  No more talking or touching in line!  Also, any waiting time in line we sing anything and everything!  Nursery rhymes, Heidisongs...whatever I can think of. The staff at my school is encouraged to give us lots of praise for good bubbles and bumpers! I've even been at a school where we've given out bubbles and bumpers awards.

From standing to sitting on carpet (we do this one every day after the flag salute):

Two little hands go clap clap clap
Two little feet go tap tap tap
One little body turns around
And quietly sits down
(make up a tune to this one!)

Transitioning from anywhere to sitting on carpet:

(to the tune of "If You're Happy and You Know It"
Put your bottom on the floor, on the floor
Put your bottom on the floor, on the floor
Put your bottom on the floor, 'til it won't move anymore
Put your bottom on the floor, on the floor

and if you need more time you can keep going with more body part rhymes

Put your finger on your nose, on your nose
Put your finger on your nose, on your nose
Put your finger on your nose
Keep it there 'til it grows
Put your finger on your nose, on your nose

Put your finger on your knee.....(you get the idea)

Here's a great one to get the student's attention as you want them to sit and listen (it's amazing how once you begin this everyone sits quietly hoping you sing their name):

(to the tune of Skip to My Lou)
I like the way that ________(insert child's name) is sitting
I like the way that ________(insert next child's name) is sitiing
I like the way that ________(insert the next child's name) is sitting
They're doing a nice job!

For story time:

(to the tune of The Farmer and the Dell)
It's story time
It's story time
heigh ho the derry-o
it's story time  

Dismissal Song:

(to the tune of The Farmer and the Dell)

We wave goodbye like this
We wave goodbye like this
We clap our hands for all our friends
We wave goodbye like this

My BEST CLASS BEHAVIOR INCENTIVE is a "marble" jar I draw on the board.  When the class is good, they get a marble.  If everyone is at school, we get a marble.  If we get a compliment as a class from anyone (for a great line, from a specials teacher) we get a marble.  I can also ERASE marbles if the class is not behaving.  When the jar is full, we either pick a prize from a treasure chest, bring in stuffed animals and blankets and have a reading party, etc.  At the beginning of the year I draw the jar small and the marbles big to earn that first prize quickly.  Then the jar gets bigger and the marbles get smaller, as the kids have to work harder to fill it.  It is SO EFFECTIVE.  

I wish I knew where I have picked up all these songs and management ideas. I have been very lucky in my career to always be surrounded by fantastic teachers who are willing to share whatever works.  Also, observing in any other classroom is so amazing!  

What tunes, transitions and tricks work to make your students successful learners?